The Intuition Activation Retreat recalibrates your intuition to give you a deeper and more profound connection of self trust, inner peace, and tangible connection to spirit. This 7-day retreat in central Italy will be a transformative week – heart centered and focused on spiritual connection and somatic release work.

Your spirit and body is capable of translating energy into the useful language of intuition; an inner compass you can use in all aspects of your life. However, within your vessel you also hold limiting beliefs, anxiety and stress. This intuition activation retreat transforms from the inside out, and outside in, to transform what stands in your way to lead a powerfully intuitive life. Together we clear the nervous system with profound inner and somatic work that will lead to an underlying sense of peace and easy access to your intuitive core.

While releasing the difficulties that stand in the way of intuition-feeling stressed, emotionally drained, grief, anxieties, and fear- you will build your spiritual core, spiritual connection, self trust and awareness of intuition through daily workshops and practice.

We will gather just minutes outside of a medieval town in central Italy in a beautiful quiet space. The intention is to go deep within, to heal, and open up the gateway to spiritual access. Over the course of seven days, I hold a clear goal of opening up your spiritual awareness and building your self-trust, so that you can integrate spiritual connection into daily life with confidence upon returning home.

You will have daily classes with Fleur to establish deep knowledge of your own spiritual gifts and be guided to your next level of awareness. Fleur will teach multiple times a day, lecture, offer Q&A sessions, guided meditations, and facilitate a safe space for you to try out your new gifts. You can find a sample itinerary below.

This is a well-thought out retreat journey in which every part of your experience is meant to open and awaken your many gifts. Covered topics with Fleur range from ‘Finding your Full body Yes’, ‘Reducing Empath overload’ to ‘Calling in Spiritual Guidance’. The seven-day retreat has been curated to move you through all layers of spiritual growth. You will be given a workbook that has exercises to go alongside the classes and this workbook will also offer resources for integrating new-found knowledge into daily life when you return home.

Fleur is an internationally renowned spiritual author and intuition expert. Her work has allowed her to work with thousands of people from all walks of life, including A-list celebrities, entrepreneurs, and scientific research institutes. Through these experiences she witnessed first-hand that everyone is looking for healing and expansion, inspiring her life’s mission: To help people experience trust in their intuition, heal inner conflict, and live their most authentic life.
